Working with a reputable estate sale company may be a good way for your clients to pass their loved one’s treasures along to new owners in a respectful, well-organized way. With a reputable estate sale company, the process can be completed in a reasonable time frame, be profitable for the estate, and reduce stress on the family.
Wise advice is do not throw things away prior to meeting with the estate sale companies. Personal representatives often feel they need to clean up before they interview an estate sale company. Ironically, items that family members may value – like crystal, china, and furniture – do not bring in the dollars. Estate sale specialists tell us that small collectibles and vintage items are the things that really add up.
It’s best for families to spend their energy determining which items they wish to keep and leave the rest to the estate sale company.
Do a quick Google search ( and to ensure they have Internet exposure. Experience shows that it’s best to use a company that has great marketing and a big list of people that visit their sales to get the estate more exposure and attract potential buyers.
It’s best to have the consultation take place at the property so that the estate sale company can assess various aspects of the estate. A few potential factors that can affect the estate sale are parking and potential liabilities of the property.
And the personal representative shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask about their insurance coverage, how many staff members they have, do they accept credit cards, and if they contract out any of their services. Be sure clients request a copy of their contract to review and, if anything in the signed contract changes, encourage them to request a new contract.