When someone dies without a living trust and leaves real property that needs to be sold to settle the estate, an experienced Probate Real Estate Agent is your best bet. A Probate Real Estate Agent has special expertise that will prove to make the preparation and sale of the probate real estate easier for the executor or administrator.
If you Google “Probate Real Estate,” you will find every website available on how to sell probate real estate from one point of view: how a buyer can amass great wealth buying real estate in apparent distress because it’s in probate or a trust. This information is not useful to the executor or administrator. Even worse, at this time of loss and stress, investors and real estate agents cajole family members to “Sell the real estate FAST”! Consequently, the family members feel fearful and worried instead of supported.
Most real estate agents do not have the expertise to guide an executor or administrator. The typical real estate transaction means that a sign is placed in the yard, photos are taken, and the property details are included in postings for the public to see on the Internet.
Meanwhile, the executor or administrator has the following concerns:
. What should I do with all the personal property?
. What cost-effective changes can be done to maximize the buyer’s interest and ultimately the selling price of the house?
. How can I manage all that needs done when I do not live in the area or the decedents home?
When I helped my first executor, I didn’t know how to guide the family because I didn’t have the experience. Since then my team and I have helped many of executors and administrators. I can honestly say that there isn’t any situation that I have not experienced and drafted a solution so that the real estate sale obtains the best price and terms, maximizing the decedent’s equity.
What I have discovered is that, unlike typical real estate transaction, the probate or trust real estate transaction has a myriad of details that must be addressed, way beyond the simple act of putting a sign in the front yard. These details include:
. Personal property must be liquidated, including clothing, furniture, household goods, the decedent’s vehicles, and more.
. Once personal property is removed, there may be cost-effective repairs to undertake, such as cleaning the entire property including the windows and carpet and perhaps some painting.
. During the marketing and sales period, the property must be maintained, including the yard and pool. Additionally, the house should be checked on a regular basis because most probate or trust real estate is vacant.
Experience taught me what buyers are looking for and I learned how to minimize the expense while maximizing the homebuyer’s interest. In the time helping executors and administrators with real estate., I have provided all of these extra services at no additional fee to the estate. The truth is that I am passionate about maximizing the equity for the estate. The commission or fee that you would pay any traditional real estate broker includes all of my team’s specialized services.
If you have any questions or to schedule an appointment call 760-912-8905 to discuss your exact circumstances.