Excessive Attachment
Let’s talk about a family when the loved one has passed away and left a home full of memories. The attorney and family members know that the house needs to be sold to settle the estate. That is the practical…
Let’s talk about a family when the loved one has passed away and left a home full of memories. The attorney and family members know that the house needs to be sold to settle the estate. That is the practical…
The Best Way to Make a Probate Real Estate Sale Uncomplicated What is Probate? Probate is the process of administering the estate of someone who has passed away. Often families find themselves dealing with probate when selling a loved one’s…
Selling a probate property is difficult to say the least. As the executor of the estate you are expected to handle the responsibilities you are given honestly and in a reasonable amount of time. The experience can be emotionally draining,…
When someone dies without a living trust and leaves real property that needs to be sold to settle the estate, an experienced Probate Real Estate Agent is your best bet. A Probate Real Estate Agent has special expertise that will…
What’s Reasonable and What’s Not? What is a reasonable request for repair within the first few weeks of going under contract with a buyer? Your buyer will be doing many inspections, starting with a general inspection that typically cost about…
Deaths in the family are commonly heart-rending and confusing events. Many questions can arise surrounding the decedent’s estate, especially involving the items in and around the home of the departed loved one that are not included in the will. Clients…
Before a lender will loan funds for the purchase of a property, the lender requires professional valuation of the property by a licensed appraiser. The appraisal is necessary to support the value of the property for the dollar amount of…
All Inland Empire & High Desert probate real estate transactions require that the property of your loved one be appraised. The appraisal will be completed by a licensed appraiser know as a Probate Referee. This process is to determine the…
When dealing with probate, it can be difficult to decipher myth from fact. As an executor this may be your first time dealing with the probate process, which means that you may be completely unfamiliar with what information is trustworthy…
When staging a house, it’s important that you remove anything and everything that will distract a homebuyer from all the great things your home has to offer. I’m not talking about major renovations; what I am talking about is cleaning, decluttering, and…