Just a quick story to remind you how we can best help….
When his dad passed, Ramon was appointed administrator of his estate. His attorney notified him that the property had a tax lien, and Ramon called in a panic to learn how he could salvage the estate proceeds because there weren’t any funds available in the estate or his personal account.
It’s common for personal representatives to drift into a state of overwhelm when dealing with information that they’ve never dealt with before, especially when going through the grief process.
We scheduled a time to meet at the property with Ramon. Before meeting, we reviewed the title history. Ramon’s dad’s house needed repairs. With the lack of funds and urgency of selling before the tax sale, we assessed the “good bones” for highlights that would be attractive to an investor. That way we could market it to an audience of many and creates an interest level leading to multiple offers.
This strategy for results comes from years of creating an investor email list. After our investor open house we had five competitive offers, with a timeframe before the tax sale and exceeded the hoped for the property value by over $40,000!